As I rolled out of a way too comfortably warm bed today I checked my trusty Google Calendar to see what was on my agenda for my only day off this week. I was hoping that today wasn't the day, but there it was staring back at me scheduled for 12:30 PM. Today I was scheduled to meet with my spinal surgeon's PA to discuss my progress so far. So I did what I typically do when faced with something as stressful as I was sure this appointment would be, I blocked it out and proceeded to be the busiest dad, husband and Facebook friend that I could be. Mornings are always rushed here in the Sandman household, I just turned it up a little to keep my mind on other things. I made breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen, sent out texts, started some laundry, sent out some birthday wishes, liked a thousand posts, took care of the hounds, shoveled about two inches of the white stuff off the driveway (yeah, winter finally here) and managed to get Sandkid off to school! It's funny how productive a type A guy with minor OCD who's trying to block something out can be!
Then it was off to the gym to get a workout in. The whole new having an actual coach thing is working out really good so far. I'm the type of guy who follows things to the letter. So maybe having a coach with as much experience and skill as Coach Judy has will channel that dedication into the correct path to get me not only up and running again, but make me better than before? You've gotta respect someone who's run for 29 years straight! And I thought 609 days was a long time! I wasn't sure how the online thing would work, but it's much easier than I expected. What was life before email and social media? I remember sitting at work computer for the first time many years ago filled with doubt that I'd ever learn how to use the thing. Now I'm sending my coach in Virginia scanned copies of my workouts via email and giving her updates on my progress through online chats. Yeah, I got skills!
The plan for this week's training was a combination of both of us. I got the clearance form Coach to restart my two favorite core workout routines. Only this time using better form and inserting some minor additions here and there. It felt strange to do the movements again after not not doing them for almost three months! Even the puppy looked at me on the carpet yesterday and said, "Dude, I thought you gave those up? You look ridiculous!" But the common theme I'm getting from many back injury specialists is to strengthen, strengthen, strengthen the core. So that's what I'm going to do! My chiropractor gave me his first exercise that he wants me to start doing since I've nixed my PT, the pelvic bridge. He wants me to work up to being able to hold it for 83 seconds. Holy crap I used to think I was in shape! Going to have to work on that whole time thingy!
Coach wanted me to walk run just a mile three times this week trying to get up to 20 minutes of activity. The plan was to have this great big kickoff on Monday. But I got stuck for almost 16 hours at the hospital watching a badguy who had heart problems. Since the injury wearing a duty belt and body armor sucks royally. Sitting on hospital gurneys and bad chairs didn't help. I even had to cancel an appointment. So the big start happened on Tuesday instead. I was surprised as hell to knock out a 12 minute mile. I even managed to run at 5 MPH for the entire time! I can't put into words what it felt like to be able to run again. My mind, my body, everything felt like it was coming back online after being asleep for ages. My running shoes felt awkward as hell and it wasn't pain free. But it was a huge personal victory on a dark basement treadmill. I even managed to do it again today!
The doctor's visit went better than expected. Even after all the worrying. I was so afraid that I was going to get the "Surgery's the only option at this point." speech. I even wore a running top and shorts to make sure that she got the impression I'm getting better. It was like 20 degrees today with fresh snow on the ground; everyone looked at me like I was insane! Got the OK to slightly increase my nerve blocker medication if I need to and am scheduled for another visit in three months. Lots of questions and I've gotta say that I mentally feel better. There's so many negative people and information out there about this type of injury. But it's all bullshit! Surgery was discussed as an option in the future if it starts interfering with my life. She doesn't know that I'm probably the only patient who treated an extended sick leave due to a back injury as a vacation to do house improvement projects! I don't sit still!
As I walked out of the doctor's office my phone buzzed with a calendar reminder that made me smile. It was National Hug A Runner Day. It's been a long time. Lots of hard work. Lots of worrying. Lots of endless waiting. Sometimes you just have to put your head down, do the work and have faith that you'll finish the race. That is one hell of a difficult thing to do and this is one really freaking long race. But I'm doin it step by step. Got hugs from my wife and my little man when I got home; not because I'm a great husband or amazing father, but because I'm a runner...
Happy National Hug A Runner Day my friends! Fast, slow, run-walker I give you a big virtual hug! So blessed that the miles continue to tick by and that the race continues...
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