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Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 212/365

I can not put into words how good it felt to put this new medal rack up in my new place. I'm not a type of person to brag. But instead, the "put your head down & work hard" type. But standing there looking at 15 years worth of accomplishments does give me a greater appreciation for everything I've run. I can't believe how far I've come...& will you look at all those open slots!!!!!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Day 211/365

Been a challenging week jumping back into it. But I think I have it a good effort. Time to rest. Uh, back at tomorrow because it's Monday!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Day 210/365

One of the things I love so much about distance running is that it has a way of peeling all of my exterior away making me think about the people & things that mean the most to me. Nice to know after everything that I'm still here with those people & that I still think of those things. And of course, it makes you feel completely bad ass.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 209/365

You just can't beat being out in weather like this. But my favorite season is fast approaching.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 208/365

Was asked today what someone could use as motivation to keep running. I've had many reasons over 15 years. But nothing is better than to have that hope for greatness. Whether it's with your running, relationships, job or children, to have the ability to see the potential in something or someone is extremely powerful. Thankful I still see room for improvement!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 207/365

Body & legs are revolting from the shock of Mileage & speed work. The life of a streaker...

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day 206/365

It's a great motivator when a running buddy tells you that your in the top 10 for an entire race series! I'm number 10, but that's still the top 10!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 204/365

Been a busy week with moving, unpacking, settling in, heading back to work & keeping the streak up during what was supposed to be a rest week. But tomorrow a new journey starts as marathon training begins. Now where did I put that new medal rack?

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Day 203/365

First longer run since the race. It felt good to shake some of the cobwebs off & stop focusing so much about settling in.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Day 202/365

Listened to Fire & Rain by James Taylor today & thought of you dad. Isn't a day that I don't.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Day 201/365

I find it interesting that over my move, I had more daily mileage than when I trained for my half. How I did all that in a small 2 BR, I'm not sure!

Day 201/365

I find it interesting that over my move, I had more daily mileage than when I trained for my half. How I did all that in a small 2 BR, I'm not sure!

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Day 200/365

Having your belongings scattered in boxes between 2 houses for almost 2 years makes your forget what you have. Um okay, maybe the walk in closet isn't too big for all my running clothes.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Day 199/365

Don't worry FB peeps. I'm still a social media junkie, the streak continues & I've single handedly moved & put all my stuff away (with a lot of help from Ryan Matthew Sands). Don't let them find your edges & sand your points. Here's to my 1st beer in the new pad!

Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 198/365

Divorce shows you the worst & best in people in your life. I saw some of the 1st, but more of the 2nd in people who've helped me along the way. Thank you, all of you, too many to mention. But you know who you are. Best thing about being an endurance runner, you never say die. Time to enjoy my life again & amazing son. I've single handedly kept Amazon in business for a year & a half buying things. So much that I've forgotten what I have. It's New Years & Christmas all rolled into one in fuckin July my friends! Onwards & upwards...

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Day 197/365

-Wow! Talk about soreness. I guess I ran harder than I thought yesterday! But there are no off days when you're shooting for 50 years of streaking! 

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 196/365

12th half now in the books! Course PR by an hour but not nearly fast enough to beat my best. Surprisingly cool temps with wicked humidity. Ran a killer 1st half of the race, but my quads were trashed after that. Still good enough though to take 9th in my age group! Happy because it's far too long since I broke that fast elusive top 10! The 4 Seasons Challenge continues to the big one in September. Onwards & upwards...

Day 195/365

Looks like Sunday is shaping up to be one hell of a hot & humid half. Seemed like the atmosphere was dripping raindrops today instead of the clouds.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Day 194/365

The taper is a funny thing. You'd think the extended rest would make you feel better. It never does & even though I've gone through the process about a hundred times, I'm always surprised. The feets are tired.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 193/365

RUN STREAK DAY 900 in the books! So far it's been awesome over these 3,855 miles of my endless race! Couldn't help but smile this morning as I instead of running away from the thunderstorm, ran into it. That's where the good stuff always happens!


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Day 190/365

Somedays you just need the solitude of the road after a stressful day.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Friday, July 7, 2017

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Day 186/365

It's good to remind yourself of what you've achieved in your life every now & then. It helps you to realize the incredible potential that lies within yourself. I'm not good at doing this. But my official running streak shirt came in the mail today & it now needs to be washed.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Day 185/365

Running everyday you see a lot out there. You get daily glimpses into people's lives as you go by. Some days you don't see much. Some days you see more than you wanted. But on this 4th of July I saw families laughing with each other, praying before their meal, raising a glass to love ones long gone, marveling at their children who never seem to slow down & couples embraced in love. None of these people were the same. But regardless of their sex, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, skin color or age they all proudly flew our flag. We're a country built on diversity & our ability to unite to overcome insurmountable obstacles. Squabbling factions never could've overthrown Royal rule, halted the march of Nazi evil or been the 1st to put a man on the moon. We could only do that as the "United" States of America.
You do see a lot out there...

Monday, July 3, 2017

Day 184/365

Always a struggle when I'm out there whether or not to stop to snap an amazing picture. I mean who wants to stop mid run? But for some weird reason, I have an eye for the good shots. I knew I had to stop for this. The irony isn't lost on me how for the last 7 years the path hasn't always been clear or easy to see. But now that the clouds are clearing & the sun's up, it kinda takes my breath away at the possibility.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Day 183/365

Day 183/365-Beautiful summer day to be out there, even if it was only for a mile.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Day 182/365

I'm only smiling because I was the crazy guy everyone saw running on the roads flipping the middle finger to Mother Nature as she dumped monsoon rains on me for 2 hours. Rainstorm-0 Mark-1