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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Being Thankful

   As I sit here next to a roaring fire I wonder to myself where the heck did the summer go? It seems like just the other day that I was running outside in shorts sweating away! But this Summer and Fall have come and gone before I knew it. Sadly with them so did my running and my plans to run my hometown marathon and first two ultra-marathons. 

   I'd be lying if I said that everything is going the way that I'd like it to. The recovery process has been irritatingly slow. I've been injured before. When you're a distance runner you become accustomed to being in discomfort and pushing through it. But I can't push through this any faster than I am. Some days I can jump out of bed and life is good. Some days I need a semi-running start and things aren't as good. But I'm trying to keep everything in perspective; over two months ago I couldn't even walk out of my bedroom. I managed to run three 12:00 miles this week and re-started my favorite core-routines.

   Distance running can be a very lonely sport. Most of your training and racing will be without anyone else. That solitude is one of the reasons that I like it so much. Some sunrises should be marveled at all alone. But now more than ever I need encouragement. I somehow was lucky enough to pick up a running coach. I've been running now for over 12 years. Over that time I've learned many good skills. I know how to safely train for a marathon, work some cross-training into my weekly routine and purchase the right type of running shoes. But is there a better way to do things? Who's going to encourage me through this slow process of returning to distance running? And more importantly, who's going to get me to cut back when I've got too much enthusiasm or push me when I don't have enough? I think I've got that covered now. For the first time in my running career I'll have someone in my corner who actually knows what they're doing. 

   I'm so tired of hospital bills and doctor office co-pays it's not even funny. It seems like everyday that a new bill comes in the mail. But I'm lucky enough to live in a part of the state that has top of the line doctors in the field of my injury. I've even discovered a new chiropractor who's also a runner. It's nice to have someone who knows why you love to run and is using state of the art equipment to treat you. Finally I've got a PT recovery program that won't take half a day to complete. 

   There will be many more obstacles that I'll have to overcome. But on the eve of the day that we are supposed to remember the great things in our lives I find myself feeling very thankful. I'm back to work, feeling better, running again and have the most amazing set of family and friends rallying behind me. 

   Happy Thanksgiving my friends...   


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